**Notice of Special General Meeting: to take place via ZOOM on April 6, 2025 at 2:00PM CST** Discussion to take place in regards to proposed bylaw changes/updates and ELECTION OF BOARD VACANCIES: Vice President and Treasurer. ZOOM link will be sent to all members.
“The Saskatchewan Stock Dog Association promotes the proper training of stock dogs, their humane handling and is dedicated to the welfare of both dogs and livestock.”
The SSDA is committed to:
- Promoting the ability of the working stock dog and educating the public to the use of these dogs.
- Promote the use of stock dogs on farms and ranches.
- Promote the breeding, exposure and growth of working stock dog breeds by way of trials, demonstrations, clinics and advertising.
***CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR 2024 YEAR END AWARD WINNERS***Sheep Field (Open): Norm Sommer and GwenSheep Field (Pro-Novice): Peter Gonnet and JR Pancho Sheep Field (Novice): Kathy Murphy and SportSheep Arena (Open): Caitlyn Mastad and BlueSheep Arena (Pro-Novice): Kolina Crowe and RiftSheep Arena (Novice): Donna Claude and Teague Cattle Arena (Open): Alicia Adamson and GraceCattle Arena (Intermediate): Clare Lawrence and SoxCattle Arena (Novice): Rhonda Allen and CarlHorseback: Alicia Adamson and GraceULTIMATE STOCK DOG AWARD: Peter Gonnet and JuneSponsorship Requests MUST be submitted to SSDA Prior to December 1 for discussion at AGM!