February 8, 2025 - Makwa, SK
2 Runs each; Open, Nursery, Intermediate, Novice, Junior
March 15, 2025 - Makwa, SK
2 Runs each; Open, Nursery, Intermediate, Novice and Junior
May 3 and 4, 2025 - Cadillac, SK
2 jackpot runs each: Open, Nursery, Pro-Novice, Novice Also sanctioned with USBCHA
June 21 and 22, 2025 - Shaunavon, SK
2 runs each: Open, Nursery, Pro-Novice, Novice Also sanctioned with USBCHA
July 12 and 13, 2025
2 runs each: Open, Nursery, Pro-Novice, Novice Also sanctioned with USBCHA
August 9 and 10, 2025 - Perdue, SK
2 runs each; Open, Nursery, Pro-Novice and Novice
September 6, 2025 - Lloydminster, SK
2 runs each; Open, Nursery, Intermediate, Novice
September 13 and 14, 2025 - Whelan, SK
2 runs each; Open, Nursery, Pro-Novice, Novice Also Sanctioned USBCHA
April 19 and 20, 2025 - Shaunavon, SK
Clinician: Jamie Gardner Contact: (306)294-7604
June 19 and 20, 2025 - Shaunavon, SK
Contact (306)294-7604
July 10 and 11, 2025 - Shaunavon, SK
Contact: (306)294-7604
Sommer Ranch Bev and Norm Sommer (306) 874- Registered Border Collies- Commercial Sheep www.sommerranchbordercollies.com sommerranch@yourlink.ca | Peter and Pam Gonnet Box 503 Outlook, SK S0L 2N0 Registered Working Border Collies Pups and Started Dogs Registered Quarter Horses Colts and Started Horses Clinics- Judging- pmgonnet@hotmail.com |
Montgomery Border Collies Dale and Dawn Montgomery Box 1333 Maple Creek, SK S0N 1N0 Home: (306) 662- Cell: (306) 661-8779 Rasing and training Border collies. Pups from working parents. Started and finished dogs for sale. Demonstrations and Clinics. Custom training and Private lessons ddmbordercollies@gmail.com | Sheep Creek Farms/BCH Stock Dogs Jamie and Harvey Gardner Started Dogs Home of Shaunavon Sheepdog Classic Home: (306) 297- Cell: (306) 294- jamie_florence@yahoo.com www.sheepcreekfarms.life |
CWS Border Collies Chris and Wendy Schmaltz Box 39 McCord, SK S0H 2T0 (306) 478-7178 Custom Training or One on one assistance www.aspatriakennels.com | |
Breeder Page Advertisement: Members: Free Non-Members: $50/year
McCord, SK - $1500 CND
Born Dec 12,2023 from CS Twig and ALH Luke. Tested parents ( sire CEA carrier). Two females available- one tri, one black and white. Medium coats. CBCA registered. Guaranteed to work. $1500. McCord, Sask Chris and Wendy Schmaltz
SSDA General Email: saskstockdog@gmail.com
President: Wendy Schmaltz
Vice President: Jamie Gardner
Treasurer: Coreen Langford
Jared Epp
Glen Grant
Coreen Langford
Wendy Schmaltz
Kolina Crowe
Janice Archdekin
Caitlyn Mastad
Trial Director: Wendy Schmaltz
Points Person: Coreen Langford
Western Canadian Committee Representatives:
Wendy Schmaltz
Dale Montgomery
Promotions: Wendy Schmaltz
Website: Kolina Crowe
Sheep Field Classes
Novice Handler Class - A novice handler is a handler that hasn’t placed more than FIVE times in the top three of a novice handler class with any dog, or THREE times in the top half of a pro novice class. The placings apply to both field and arena trials combined (ie: If a handler places in the top three in three arena trials and two field trials, they lose their novice handler status). If a novice handler enters an open class they forfeit their novice handler status and can no longer run in the novice handler class. The placings are on the handler, not the dog. Year end awards available for members. Course requirements -
Pro/Novice Class - This class may be entered by novice handlers with any class of dog or by open handlers with non-open dogs. Year end awards available for members. Course requirements -
Open Handler Class - This class if for open dogs and handlers. Year end awards available for members. Course requirements -
Sheep Arena Classes
Novice Handler Class - A novice handler is a handler that hasn’t placed more than FIVE times in the top three in the novice handler class with any dog, or THREE times in the top half of a Pro/Novice Class. The placings apply to both field and arena trials combined (ie: If a handler places in the top three in three arena trials and two field trials, they lose their novice handler status). If a novice handler enters an open class at a trial which offers both novice and open, they forfeit their novice handler status and can no longer run in the novice handler class. The placings are on the handler, not the dog. Year end award (small keeper plaque). If a novice handler enters a trial which does NOT offer the Novice Handler class, they will NOT lose their Novice Handler status (ie: Agribition). This class is for the novice and intermediate levels.
Pro/Novice Class - This class if for novice handlers and their dog or for pro novice dogs and their open handler. Cross entering between classes is allowed as per field trial rules. Small keeper plaque for year end award.
Open Handler Class - This class is for open levels. Year end awards (small keeper plaque). Any dog or handler eligible to compete in pro/novice and open can move back and forth between classes as they see fit.
Cattle Arena Classes
Novice Handler Class - This class is for novice (beginner) level dogs and handlers . No cross entry between classes. Year end awards available for members.
Intermediate Class - This class is for intermediate level dogs and handlers . No cross entry between classes. Year end awards available for members.
Open Class - This class is for open dogs and handlers. Year end awards for members available.
Horseback Class - This class is open to any level handler. Obstacles are completed by the dog with the handler assisting on horseback. Year end award for members available.
*Open Handlers who have not competed* in any trial of the opposite type (cattle or sheep) may start in a lower class when entering their first trial in the other division, at the discretion of the trail organizer. For example an Open level cattle handler may enter into Pro-Novice division if the have never run in a sheep field trial.
Code of Conduct
i. SSDA member’s behaviour on the field is a reflection of the Association. As such, members will at all times conduct themselves with good sportsmanship and will not disrespect, intimidate or argue with any participants at the trial.
ii. Members will not subject any dog or livestock to inhumane treatment, nor tolerate such by others.
iii. Grievances will be heard upon a $50 fee payable to the SSDA. If the matter is deemed by the board to be frivolous, the monies will not be returned. Monies will be refunded if the board decides that the grievance is warranted.
iv. Sanctions which may be carried out by the SSDA board include membership refusal or termination and/or withholding year end points.
Year End Award Points
You must be a member of the SSDA to accumulate points for year end awards. The points are awarded from the date the membership is purchased. There must be one sanctioned trial per class to have a year end award. The number of trials you attend does not matter. Whoever has the most points accumulated wins the award. All points in a calendar year will go towards that year’s award. Open handlers who choose to run in the novice classes of the opposite type (cattle or sheep) will no accumulate novice SSDA points. January 1st to December 31st.
Points will be Calculated as follows:
Example: 10 Dogs in the Class
1st - 9 Points
2nd - 8 Points
3rd - 7 Points
4th - 6 Points
5th - 5 Points
6th - 4 Points
7th - 3 Points
8th - 2 Points
9th - 1 Point
10th - 0 Points
Running A Standard
Any time a standard is run for an individual class, that when a standard is in place, for that day and that class, points will NOT count for year end award.
Tie Breaking Options For Year End Awards
NEW Award in 2023: The Ultimate Stock Dog
This award goes to the top Open dog and handler team who have the most points for both sheep and cattle trials. Points must be attained from at least 3 of the following events: sheep field, sheep arena, cattle field, cattle arena or horseback classes, at SSDA sanctioned events. In the event of a tie for points, the total number of points will be multiplied by the number of events the dog competed in and divided by the total number of trials run. If there is still a tie, the award will be given at the discretion of the board.
Requirements For Sanctioning a Trial
All SSDA sanctioned trial must be held in Saskatchewan. The Lloydminster community will be considered as part of Saskatchewan.
Entries can be limited in a sanctioned trial.
Dual Sanctioned Trials -
SSDA will not advertise any trial held within Saskatchewan unless it is sanctioned by the SSDA.
If a trial needs to be rescheduled, to retain sanctioning the rescheduled date must be minimum 7 days after the original trial date at the discretion of the trial director.
Trial placings must be submitted to the points person within 30 days after the trial date for sanctioning to stand.
Trial Sanctioning Form must be obtained 21 days prior to any event. Event will not be advertised on website or social media without application being accepted.
The Western Canadian Finals is a sheep field event that started back in 1979, and has been held yearly. It is hosted by one of the western provinces. It is the longest running double- lift trial in Canada, and predates the Canadian Border Collie Association Championships. For more information, go to the Western Canadians Website